Friday, November 5, 2010

Still processing

I'm still too mentally and emotionally exhausted to offer value right now. But thankfully Sharon isn't. If you haven't checked into her blog, please do. You can find her here.

There are two things I'd like to say, though:
  1. Thank you to the Troy voters who supported us, who understood the actual stakes in this enterprise and who were not fooled by the deceptive strategy of TCU. Less than 700 votes out approx. 30,000 cast is frustrating, but not as frustrating as realizing that there probably 1,546 Yes votes on the other proposals that can't be attributed to "everyone just voted Yes on all proposals." That's their line and it's false. More on that when I'm up to it.
  2. For anyone still naive to think we can run the library on $2.2 million, please know this, and take from someone inside who knows the drill, but we're starving to death. We're bleeding staff and we're beyond maxed out in duties. Service is beginning to suffer and the only reason we haven't keeled over yet is that this is a highly dedicated, very professional and deeply caring staff.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to check in on Sharon's blog. And hold onto your hats Monday night.


Sharon said...

Hi Barry, Thanks for sending people my way.
What do you think today's news about the $700K further shortfall in property tax revenue says about the chances of squeezing more money out for the library? :-(
Mr. Howrylak sure blew it!

Barry said...

No, Sharon, thank you for picking up this ball and running with it. While this blog started in May and I avoided posting daily, I still wrote something daily. Of course, as you know, my position requires me to be careful, a position that actually served me well in avoiding harmful hyperbole or vitriol. That serves no purpose in getting us toward a community solution and it helped keep my Irish in check. But even before that, going back to March, in Rhonda Hendrickson's family room, both Clint and I decided to take the direct engagement route while Rhonda, Carolyn, et al, decided to put their efforts into the development of a campaign. They thought there was little hope from city council and no hope, of course, from TCU. We thought it was worth a try. My point is that I'm exhausted and quite pleased to see you acting.

Regarding your question, I'm not surprised at the $700k adjustment. This has been predicted and it argues, really, for an entirely different approach to the budget. They can't square this circle by choosing winners and losers the way they have and in that vein I'm going to repost the Alternative Plan and keep pushing for them to see the light before it's too late.