Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanks, Marv.

Nice shirt, Marv. It almost brought tears to my eyes. ;-)


Sharon said...

I feel so honored to be in good company. And boy, these yutzes often bring tears to my eyes, too.

marv rein said...

If u think u can change Troy with words,u r very very wrong,,the Z-man makes the agenda,nothing gets on,that the Z-man does not know the outcomes.
This guy and a few workers will and has have run many good people OUT of TROY,,those people DOn't 4get what the the Z-man did 2 them,so they take out on the city.
So either my freind is my emeny of my FOE,,or we attack each other,,as the Z=man wins.
u saw TROY gave away TAX breaks,,,WHAT!! every new JOB,,makes a point we need more police.

marv rein said...

take note who complains about me..I been in TROY 4 60 years and I know the rats and the rats know me.

marv rein said...

dELTED Or noT...i do have a web site,,with Chat room abilities..I'm 2 dumb to get on line..Till many people can Voice their concerns,,TROY going backwards,,with 2 many cheifs,not enough of us.serfs.Willing to share times,on the chat room side.c

marv rein said...

Most of "those' in leaderships groups are in TROY's Chamber of Commence,,which many in the Chamber have "said'we r make of the family of TROY..will...... the "family" needs ya.
The brain power in TROY's chamber of Commnece "drawf's" TROy's,at least mine.and in the next few days will hand out a biLLION bucks of bonus money..REMEmber TROY's library.

marv rein said...

INFORMATION SITEs in Troy shut down,,only since the budget problem many,and no change in sight.

Barry said...

Get a grip, Marv. Five comments, all saying nothing new. Give it a rest. Take some time off, like me, to ponder the absurdity of it all. You might learn something.

Merry Christmas. I mean it.

Anonymous said...

Perception is truth to many. Although the intent may not to be to deceive, it comes across that way to the community.

For instance, the proposed and partially finished drive up bookdrop, sending staff to a 2 year leadership seminar knowing the library is acheduled to close before the 2nd session, and putting in security cameras to protect staff and patrons but then having other staff spend time researching the video for time of arrival, departure as well as time spent helping patrons and other staff. The videos are also used to document if a patron is trying to mislead staff on checkout and returns.

Having staff attend statewide and national conferences even though the library is scheduled to close is an activity many question.

What type of message is being sent to the public? It doesn't matter whether the library, friends, of cooperative paid for the activities, the perception is that the city did.

No matter what the facts, people will make their own truth and it may come back negatively on any positive scenarios for the library.

Anonymous said...

It's a pity the real workers WERE the ones first let go. REAL, meaning those who worked face-to-face with the public meeting their needs on a daily basis. The real workers were the unbenefitted part-timers who WERE the cost-effective staff the public clamors for. Ironically (at the least), those REAL part-timers were replaced by former full-timers, magically transformed into REAL part-timers by selfish management still getting a full ride on taxpayers' backs, but not for much longer.

Anonymous said...

My thought on full time librarians being offered part-time was that the city/library would be facing lawsuits caused by favoritism, discrimination, etc., otherwise.

In order to avoid this, the easy road was taken by offering all full-time librarians part-time keeping the 2 full time male librarians full-time.

Both full-time and part-time librarians worked hard for the city. However, the job expectations and responsibilities weren't communicated by management, thus creating misunderstanding and frustration.

Anonymous said...

And the poor folks in Auburn Hills might get stuck with one of the potentially departing TPL full-timers as their new director. The horror! Apocalypse now!! You've been warned.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and BEFORE any of them leaves for greener pastures, they should have to account to Troy citizens for the mess they've left the library in. It's not all the politicians' fault.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as someone who once worked at the library and am no longer bitter at being let go. i have to admit i didn't always agree much with the management but also realize I would have done things differently if i could have.
Hindsight really is 20/20.

marv rein said...

As I report to US Rep Peters,weekly,till Troy is audited,,and someone is in JAIL.the NO vote will roll on.